Scripture on doctors
And pray for the wisdom and courage of all the doctors and nurses around the world.
Sirach 38:
1 Treat the doctor with the honour that is his due, in consideration of his services; for he too has been created by the Lord.
2 Healing itself comes from the Most High, like a gift received from a king.
3 The doctor’s learning keeps his head high, and the great regard him with awe.
4 The Lord has brought forth medicinal herbs from the ground, and no one sensible will despise them.
5 Did not a piece of wood once sweeten the water, thus giving proof of its power?
6 He has also given some people knowledge, so that they may draw credit from his mighty works.
7 He uses these for healing and relieving pain; the druggist makes up a mixture from them.
8 Thus, there is no end to his activities; thanks to him, well-being exists throughout the world.
9 My child, when you are ill, do not rebel, but pray to the Lord and he will heal you.
10 Renounce your faults, keep your hands unsoiled, and cleanse your heart from all sin.
11 Offer incense and a memorial of fine flour, make as rich an offering as you can afford.
12 Then let the doctor take over – the Lord created him too – do not let him leave you, for you need him.
13 There are times when good health depends on doctors.
14 For they, in their turn, will pray the Lord to grant them the grace to relieve and to heal, and so prolong your life.