The importance of a cloth
Jn 20:7 "and the cloth that had been on Jesus’ head, not lying with the linen wrappings but rolled up in a place by itself."
It may seem silly, but I've always found this verse to be one of the most moving verses of John's gospel.
Why? Jesus has just risen from the dead. His soul has just reanimated His body. What does the God-man do? He doesn't neglect the smallest detail. The burial cloths were given to Him by Joseph of Arimathea. But now, they are no longer needed, because He is risen. Rather than simply cast off the gift, He takes the time to neatly fold the cloth that covered His face, as a way of showing respect to the gift and the giver. This degree of humility is breathtaking. God needs nothing from us and yet when we offer to Him a gift (that he has first granted to us!) He receives it with complete love and tenderness. The very smallest details do not escape the Savior's gaze.
It bears repeating: this was the most important event in all of history--and Jesus stopped to fold a cloth.
If He takes this much love and care with a simple cloth offered to Him, can you imagine the Love that He bestows on a heart offered to Him?